Horseback riding lessons in Khobar for kids, adults, beginners & advanced riders. The course contains 10 lessons and each lesson is about 40 minutes. Trainers are friendly and we ensure a good quality experience with more emphasis on safety. The course is suitable for total beginners who would like an initial boost into the world of horse riding. You will learn to walk and trot, potentially canter depending on your progress throughout the course. The course is custom-made to ensure that you can learn to ride a horse independently in 10 sessions. If you have been looking for a course on how to ride a horse, we can help you in achieving this dream.
Charges Per Person: 1300 SR.
What to bring: Riding Shoes & Gear.
Eligibility: 7 year & above.
Activity is available by appointment only and to book a slot please email us on or call or WhatsApp us on 0503222972.